Free Job posting

Free Real-Time BI Dashboard

Efficiently handle interviews, feedback, and offers while gaining insights into your job postings, all within a single platform, eliminating the need for additional services.

Real–time Enterprise grade 
AI-NLP technology

We exclusively employ natural language processing technology for our most trusted clients, utilizing it to match resumes, analyse global and local employment data, identify patterns, conduct competitor analysis, make predictive analysis, and base recruitment decisions with the help of data-driven insights.

Why pay recruiters 25% of a candidate's salary?

Pay-as-you-go model for all budgets. Brixia is for everyone…

Job Posting with dashboard

  • User Registration
  • Free Job Posting
  • Free Job Search
  • Application Management
  • Admin Panel

Search + CV Screening + Interview Management

  • Free Job post
  • Expert search (finance only)
  • Free CV Database
  • Real time local employment data for your positions
  • Real time BI of your positions
  • Competitor analysis
  • Global Real time Employment data (just for RPO clients)

CV Screening

  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
  • Resume Parsing Tools
  • AI-Powered CV Screening Tools
  • Semantic Search and Matching Tools
  • CV Formatting

Interview Management

  • Applicant Tracking System (ATS): Scheduling and Calendar Tools
  • Video Conferencing and Communication Tools
  • Interview Scheduling Software
  • Feedback reporting Tools

CV Screening & Interview Management

  • Free job post
  • Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
  • Full CV screening service
  • Full interview management service

Introducing : Real-Time Updates- Pipeline Visualization

Stay in the loop with real-time updates on the status of candidate applications and the overall progress of your recruitment efforts. You’ll always know where each candidate stands in the pipeline.

Step 1

Job Opening Evaluation

We kick off the process by thoroughly evaluating your job opening, ensuring we understand your requirements inside out.

Step 2

Candidate Sourcing

Once we’ve assessed your needs, we enter the candidate sourcing phase. Here, we leverage cutting-edge tools and techniques to identify the most promising talent.

Step 3

Screening and Shortlisting

Our rigorous screening process ensures that only the best candidates make it to the shortlist. With our Pipeline Visualization, you can visually track their progress, making recruitment transparent and efficient.

Power BI Real-Time Research Status

Empower your recruitment with real-time research status and interactive charts. Monitor our consultant calls and resource efforts in real time, giving you full visibility into our progress.

Visual Pipeline Representation

Each candidate is represented as a card on our digital board, complete with a LinkedIn profile preview. It’s recruitment made visual.

Efficient Booking System

Step 4

Tracking and Reporting

We believe knowledge is power. Dive deep into trends, consultant availability, and appointment outcomes with our data analytics tools.

Real-Time Salary Insights

Get real-time salary insights specific to your search from day one.

Power BI and Candidate Pipeline

We implement Power BI and candidate pipeline tracking throughout the search duration.

Real-Time Industry and Competitor Insights

Step 5

Interview Preparation

Prepare for successful interviews with comprehensive candidate profiles, thanks to our Pipeline Visualization. Be armed with insights and information to make each interaction count.

Step 6

Interviews and Assessments During interviews

Our Pipeline Visualization continues to be invaluable. It helps track candidate progress and aids in decision-making, ensuring only the best candidates move forward.

Step 7

Selection and Offer

With your guidance, we make the final selection. Our Power BI Real-Time Research Status offers data-driven perspectives on the selection process, ensuring alignment with your goals. Crafting offers is a breeze with our data-backed insights.

Addional Services

Deep Dive Competitor Analysis

We respect all GDPR regulations while providing a deep dive into competitor analysis, allowing you to benchmark your performance.

Power BI and Data Visualization

Organizational Chart and Company Insights:

  • Implement an organizational chart feature to visualize candidate application hierarchies.
  • Integrate company data for insights into candidate employers’ structures.
  • Track candidate movements within companies and identify recruitment needs and HR consultancy opportunities.

Step 8

Competitor Analysis and Market Insights

  • Use data from the ATS, CRM, and external sources for competitor analysis.
  • Gain a competitive edge with market insights for data-driven decisions.
  • Create reports and visualizations to understand the recruitment landscape.
  • Identify potential clients and opportunities based on market data for proactive engagement with businesses seeking HR services.

Job Opportunities Are Always Open

Endless possibilities await with our perpetually open job opportunities. Explore your career potential today!